
Shrug off the hurt, the bitter aftertaste,

Mask it all up, with a smile on your face.

Wipe away the tears, cover up the pain,

Act like it’s all fine, even when you’re going insane.

Play the polite courtier, hide the damsel in distress,

Nod with a “please” and “thank you”, or you’ll fail the test.

Harden yourself up, never feel the feel,

Don’t let them decode you, uncover you peel by peel.

“No one understands me, no one ever will”,

Envelope yourself up, with a wax stamp to seal.

Wondering to yourself, when will this ever end?

You already know the answer, yet you still choose to pretend.

Hello! I am Christal

I'm a doctor, trainer, coach and author of 'Should I Quit?'. I founded Awaken Academy, where we help doctors discover alternative careers that are fulfilling and aligned with their true Self.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.