General Knowledge

My ONE Ultimate Goal in 2022

My ONE Ultimate Goal in 2022

I used to be worked up on my goals, hustling extra hard, going late nights putting all the hours. I was really laser focus in achieving them. But this year, after all that I've gone through in the last few month and last year, I think it's time for self-care.…
Redefining Work (The Great Resignation, The YOLO Economy and The Burnout Epidemic)

Redefining Work (The Great Resignation, The YOLO Economy and The Burnout Epidemic)

We have come up with terms such as The Great Resignation, the 'turnover crisis', or the YOLO economy to describe this phenomenon of employees leaving their job that has been spreading like wildfire across the globe.
The Invisible Victims: Dark Truths Behind Factory Farming

The Invisible Victims: Dark Truths Behind Factory Farming

But what actually goes behind the production of meat in factory farms — from when these farmed animals are living and (barely) breathing in factories, up until they become what we call our 'dinner'?
Medical Marijuana: A Case Study

Medical Marijuana: A Case Study

The first record of cannabis for medicinal use dates back in 2700 BCE for treating over 100 ailments. In the last 25 years, this controversial plant is making headlines for its potential therapeutic and medicinal properties, particularly its Δ-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) compounds. Numerous studies have pointed CBD…
Animal Farming & The Next Pandemic — Closer Than You Think

Animal Farming & The Next Pandemic — Closer Than You Think

INTRODUCTION On 30th December 2019, Dr Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist from Wuhan Central Hospital in the Hubei province of China, alerted his colleagues about a number of mysterious “pneumonia” cases discovered in the city the previous week. His initial message read “7 cases of SARS confirmed at Huanan Seafood Market”.…
Vaccinated? You Can Still Be A Carrier, So Listen Up

Vaccinated? You Can Still Be A Carrier, So Listen Up

Two staff nurses in our ward got infected. Both had been vaccinated. However, they were in close contact with three unknowingly Covid-19 positive patients.Apparently, we’ve been working in that ward for almost one week straight — running around, touching patient’s case files, and working in close proximity with one another…
Being An Introvert

Being An Introvert

For a long time, I always feel a bit odd. While others prefer to go out every night, I choose to stay in and read a book in the comforts of my quiet home. While others had large groups of friends, my pack was always small, and would usually consists…
Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture?

Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture?

“That’s so gay”. I’m sure you’ve heard these before — words and labels used to deprecate another person, especially when they’re considered “different”, or stray slightly from the standard societal norms. This attitude of discrimination and prejudice against a person’s idiosyncrasy has become all too common in a socially conservative…
Does God Exist?

Does God Exist?

The Search for Truth“Does God exist?”“Is the Bible true?”“How did religion come about?”“Which religion is right?”These are just some of the many questions that have been occupying my headspace as of late. In the past few weeks, I’ve been embarking on a personal conquest in decoding my muddled thoughts and…
Lost Connections: Why You're Depressed & How To Find Hope — A Book Summary

Lost Connections: Why You're Depressed & How To Find Hope — A Book Summary

It’s not very often I come across a book, and thought “This is probably one of the best books I’ve ever read in 2020, and it’s not even the end of the year!”. Because that’s exactly how I felt when I stumbled upon this book.More than ever, depression is getting…

Hello! I am Christal

I'm a doctor, trainer, coach and author of 'Should I Quit?'. I founded Awaken Academy, where we help doctors discover alternative careers that are fulfilling and aligned with their true Self.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

Monday Morning Musings

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