
There’s an ineffable abundance in my soul,
I’m on cloud nine,
A rollercoaster high,
A whirlwind of emotions,
A rapturous delight.

But there’ll be a time,
When this ecstasy will be ousted from me,
Like how every life ends with the last breath,
How every ‘hello’ ends with a ‘goodbye’,
Or how every beginning always has an end.

For reality is a bitter truth,
But at this very moment,
My time is here,
My time is now,
And life’s never been better.

Sun-kissed skin and salty hair in Perhentian Island.

Hello! I am Christal

I'm a doctor, trainer, coach and author of 'Should I Quit?'. I founded Awaken Academy, where we help doctors discover alternative careers that are fulfilling and aligned with their true Self.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.